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Showing posts from August, 2011

PPPro: Adding Hobbies to the List

PenPal Pro comes with just a few Hobbies already loaded. There are many, many more interests and hobbies that people do in their spare time. When a pal has a hobby or interest that is not in this list, here is how to add it: From the Main screen, click on the "Lists" tab. Then click on the "Hobbies" button on the left-hand column. You should see this screen: All the hobbies and interests in this screen appear in the Hobbies drop-down list on the Hobbies and Interests screen. To add a new Hobby or Interest, so that it appears in the list as well, you can either click the "Add Hobby" button at the top of the screen, or scroll down to the last one, and place the cursor in the empty line. Then simply type the Hobby or Interest. If some pals do Line-dancing, type that in. If you are adding just one, click the Save button at the top of the form. But if you are adding many at once, press the Tab key. This will automatically save the one you just entered,...

PPPro: Adding a Hobby to a Pal

Your friends have interests and hobbies. Sometimes you share them, sometimes you don't. Penpal Pro lets you keep a record of your pal's interests and hobbies, so that you can remember them, even years later. Use the Hobbies and Interests screen to keep track of this information. Launch it by clicking the "Hobbies" button on the Penpal information screen. You should see your pal's name already filled into the "Name" field. (You can also get here from the Main screen, but the Name field will not be automatically filled in). To add a new Hobby for this Pal, click the "Add Hobby" button at the top of the screen. Select the hobby or interest from the drop-down list. If their hobby is not in the list, refer to the "Adding Hobbies to the List" post. You can also set a Level of Interest. Maybe it's a hobby for this pal, or a mild interest, or maybe an all-consuming passion. There is also space to leave any notes, to make the in...