I currently make a living as a Software Engineer, and I am also an ordained Anglican priest. In seminary, one assignment was to write a letter to a fictional friend, explaining the Trinity in some creative imagery. My paper sought to use Object-Oriented concepts to shed light on this great mystery of faith. This is third in a 3-part series of posts that somewhat adapts that 2005 paper to the different medium of a Blog, and to refine with my understanding as it stands now of both the Trinity and Object-Oriented programming and design. The first part is HERE . The second part is HERE . Hey Christian, I'm glad to hear that you are dazzling your new company with your brilliance. So you think something is incomplete in our discussion so far about the Trinity and Object-Oriented design? You're right. The doctrine of the Trinity says that God Almighty is both One and Three, at the same time, and we have left a third out completely so far. The Trinity's third Person is t...
Musings on Tests, Quality, Tools, Projects and more. By Steve Page