Penpal Pro asks for some information called "Reply Priority" - what is it? How do you use it? Reply Priority lets you tell the system how urgent it is that you reply to a given letter. If you get a letter that you think needs to be answered more quickly than others, you may give it a higher priority than others. On the Penpal Details screen, you set the default Reply Priority for this penpal. In the example pictured, every letter you receive from this pal will automatically be given the High priority value. Of course, a penpal may send you something that does not fit this default value. You may need to set a higher or lower priority value for different letters from the same pal. You do that on the Letters detail screen. When you mark a letter as "I received it" you can adjust the letter's priority. The pal's default value will be automatically set, but you can choose a higher or lower priority value before you save the letter record. When you run ...
Musings on Tests, Quality, Tools, Projects and more. By Steve Page