Your correspondent may write you in one language, and speak several others. You can capture these details about your penpal from the PenPals screen. Get there by clicking "Penpals" from the Main Screen and find the pal in question. To identify the language in which you correspond with this pal, choose the language from the drop-down list beside "Writes in" then click the Save button at the top of the form. To identify which languages they speak, click the "Pal Speaks" button. This will take you to a new window that looks like: If you already have one or more languages for this pal saved, click Add Language to add a new one. If this is the first one, the form is ready for you to complete. The Pal's name should be automatically filled in. If it is not, you can find them in the drop-down list. Then select one of the languages from the Language drop-down and click the Save button at the top of the screen. Click Add Language to add even more for t...
Musings on Tests, Quality, Tools, Projects and more. By Steve Page