PenPal Pro comes with a small list of languages already programmed in. These languages can be used for identifying what languages a correspondent speaks. Or if you speak several yourself, you can identify what language you use in corresponding with them.
If you or your pals speak languages that are not in the list, it is a simple matter to add more languages. On the PenPal Pro Main Screen, click the Lists tab. Then click on the "Languages" button in the left-hand column of buttons. This will open the Languages List screen.
If you or your pals speak languages that are not in the list, it is a simple matter to add more languages. On the PenPal Pro Main Screen, click the Lists tab. Then click on the "Languages" button in the left-hand column of buttons. This will open the Languages List screen.
Click the Add Language button at the top of the screen, to jump to a new, blank Language line. Your new Language will need a unique abbreviation code of up to 3 letters. Type in the code, press tab or click in the Language field, and type the language name. (If the abbreviation code is already taken, an error message will pop up. Try another code if this happens).
Click the Save button at the top of the screen, or press the Tab key to automatically save this language entry and start another new one.