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PicturePuzzle: Albums

Picture Puzzle v2 introduced the idea of Albums.
Albums are collections of photos, different puzzles you can play and solve.
When you install Picture Puzzle, you receive a default album automatically, with a handful of different images. You can download and install other albums, too. Images on a theme or from around the world. (Some installation package zip files include the Canada album as a bonus, which you can install by double-clicking the "SetupCanadaImages" file.)
Then, to access your installed albums, click "Change" beside the thumbnail image in the Picture Puzzle main menu screen.

This opens a standard "open file" dialog box.
 Albums are installed under the "images" folder, with each album in its own folder. So in the image above, the basic album ("Puzzle") and 4 other albums are installed. Choose an album folder, then an image, and click "Open"
Here are some other Albums you can download to install and play. Click the link, then on the destination page click "Download." Then on your computer, run the .msi file to install the pictures.
  • Canada pictures, one from each of the 10 provinces
  • National Parks, 13 pictures from parks and monuments in the western United States
  • Hudson Bay, a small town in northern Saskatchewan that bills itself as the 'Moose Capital of the World' (10 pictures)